By: Dr. Melanie DeCunha, Naturopathic Doctor

Do you ever experience heartburn or regurgitation? Do you then reach for an antacid to soothe the discomfort? Chances are you might be making the problem worse in the long run! The stomach is naturally a very acidic environment, and if you are experiencing heartburn, it is because the lower esophageal sphincter (also known as the "LES" - which closes off the esophagus into the stomach) is not closing properly, causing acid or food to splash up into the esophagus causing symptoms (the esophagus doesn't like acid). So why is that happening? Likely because your body is not adequately digesting and pushing through food, leaving it in your stomach longer, pushing up on the sphincter, causing it to weaken. And guess need adequate digestive enzymes and "acid" to be able to do this!

So, how can you fix this? With my patients I perform a complete assessment to rule out other causes (peptic ulcer, true hyperchlorrhydria, hiatal hernia, etc.) and then we work to improve digestion, starting in the stomach. I will recommend digestive enzymes specific to the patient that will help them to break down and absorb foods, taking the pressure off the LES. We will also use specific supplements that help to soothe the stomach lining, strengthen the LES and "reset" the pH balance of the stomach. And of course, there are many wonderful nutrients and botanicals that can help acutely to decrease symptoms of heartburn or reflux (one of my favs is DGL tablets - deglycyrrhized licorice)

Don't think your heartburn is that big of a deal and you can just tough it out? Chronic reflux can cause significant damage to the esophagus and over time can potentially lead to an esophageal ulcer, permanent changes to the tissue or even cancer. And if you think you're managing it fine with your excessive antacid use, know that many nutrients cannot be absorbed in a high-pH environment (low acid) leading to potential deficiencies of B12, folic acid, vitamin C and iron to name a few. The good news is, it's fairly easy to treat with most people getting immediate relief with naturopathic treatment.

It is of course important to note that there are many different causes of heartburn, and a thorough workup is required to rule out more serious causes. Never stop, start or change a medication (or supplement) without the advice of your healthcare professional.

openness. nourishment. empowerment.