By: Aurelija Akelaitis, Homeopath

So it's that time of year again when we all reflect on the past years triumphs and failures (though I do not believe that any experience is ever truly a failure as we learn a lot from each of them) and set new goals for the new year. One of the top New Year goals revolves around making healthier choices by choosing to eat a more nutritious diet, getting more exercise or a combination of both. Physically cleansing your body and supporting healthy living is a great place to start but many do not consider a mental and emotional cleanse. Sometimes that's where we need to start...

How many times have you set a goal to eat better or work out more that does not happen or you are able to do it for a while then old habits creep back in? Too many to count for many of us. We are all juggling so much and sometimes these changes seem like one more thing on your list of things to do, one more responsibility. Does this sound familiar? If it does then I suggest you try a mental and emotional cleanse first.

Ask yourself what is holding you back? You have a goal to lead a healthier life but something keeps getting in your way. What is it? If trying to leading a healthier life causes stress and anxiety you will avoid it as much as possible whereas if you feel positive about the experience and celebrate each small victory like passing on the cookies after lunch you will feel more supported on the way to your goal. It requires a change in your perspective but sometimes it doesn't seem that easy. You may feel stuck in this negative pattern and may have a difficult time overcoming it. If so, homeopathy could be just what you need. It can help change your perspective and get you moving towards all of your goals.

By: Petra Najafee, Registered Psychotherapist

The holidays can be so much fun!(And so stressful!)…We meet up with old friends (and suddenly we’re feeling really old), we go to parties (and sometimes we’re thinking “Why am I here? I don’t even like most of these people. I should be doing x, y, and z”), we give gifts to special people (and then we stress about how much we spent and whether we can really afford all this), we spend time with our families (we love them but let’s face it, sometimes they can drive us bonkers!). On top of that we bake, we wrap, we completely disrupt our routine, we eat foods that are bad for us, we stay up late and for a solid month or so we are go, go, go and we just don’t stop. Well folks, it’s time to stop. Slow down. Take a few moments for yourself to regroup and just be. Come on, you can do it. Take just 10 minutes to remove yourself from the thought stream that creates so much stress. It might be just what you need to be able to go back in and enjoy the time you have with your family and friends.

Here are a couple of simple mindfulness practices you can do to help you take a time out.

The Mindful Shower (You’re going to shower anyway, right?):

When you’re in the shower, try to concentrate on the sensations of showering. Pay attention to the feeling as the drops of water touch your skin. Notice the temperature of the water. Be aware of the sound of the water as it drips down over your hair and ears, as it hits the shower floor. When your mind wanders off to the events of the day and what needs to get done (as it will inevitably do), gently bring your attention back to the sensations of the shower. Focus on the feeling of shampoo as you lather it into your hair. Notice the scent of the soap. And when your mind wanders off again, gently bring it back to the sensations of the shower. At the end of the shower, notice how you feel. What was it like to be out of the thought stream for just a few moments of your day?

Taking out the Garbage Mindfully (this one has the added bonus of looking selfless)

Offer to take out the garbage. Make sure you put on your coat and boots because you’re going to be out there for a few minutes. Once you’ve disposed of the trash, take a few steps away from the bin and take a few moments to notice what’s around you. Notice the temperature of the air as you breathe it in. Feel the breeze as it brushes against your cheeks. When your mind starts to wander off to everything else that’s been going on during the week, gently remind yourself to step out of the thought stream and come back to paying attention to what’s happening in the moment. Notice the sound of the bird in the tree, or the traffic going by, or even the siren in the distance. But try not to judge it, just notice it and let it pass. Focus on the feeling of the soles of your feet planted firmly on the ground. Be aware of the texture and temperature of the snowflake that is gently falling on your nose. Continue this for a few moments. And before you go back in, notice how you feel. What was it like to step out of the thought stream for just a few moments of your day?

If you enjoy those practices, imagine what it would be like to incorporate more mindfulness into your daily life. New Year’s resolution anyone?

Wishing you a very happy holiday and a peaceful new year.

By: Nicole Korodetz, MScA, RD.

Ah, the magical time of the year where coffee shops switch out their boring cups for red ones, create a winter wonderland atmosphere, and convince us to spend $6 on a holiday drink. While a Peppermint Mocha or Eggnog Latte may be exactly what you crave during those cold December days to lift your holiday spirits, they can pack in a ton of extra empty calories, fat and sugar. Since we know it can be a challenge to maintain weight during the holidays (stay tuned for my upcoming blog post), specialty drinks are one area that we can limit and modify to help keep our weight, blood sugar, and overall wellbeing in check.

While I don’t usually encourage fixating on numbers when it comes to food, I don’t think that many people understand what goes into a holiday drink. I looked up the Starbucks Beverage Nutrition Information (found on their website) and posted the nutrition facts of a few classic holiday drinks here:

Caramel Brûlé Latte, Grande, 2% milk, whip: 440 calories, 13g fat, 54g sugar

Gingerbread Latte, Grande, whole milk, whip: 360 kcal, 18g fat, 38g sugar

Eggnog Latte, Grande, soy milk: 460 kcal, 19g fat, 48g sugar

Peppermint Mocha, Tall, 2% milk, whip: 350 kcal, 13g fat, 42g sugar

Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha, Venti, whole milk, whip: 710 kcal, 26g fat, 99g sugar (YIKES!)

Pumpkin Spice Latte, Tall, 2% milk, whip: 300 kcal, 11g fat, 39g sugar

As you can see, these drinks are just as much or even more calories than a whole meal, and account for more added sugar than should be eaten over the whole day! Add in a holiday cookie, and your quick coffee break can wreck serious havoc on your health goals!

I don’t mean to scare you and turn you off of your favourite holiday drinks, but just wanted to outline these facts, as they were even surprising to me! But have no fear; here are some tips for modifying these festive lattes to make them a little bit healthier!

1. Seasonal drinks. Holiday drinks may only be marketed at the start of #pumpkinspice season (early September), but are actually available all year round! A similar latte base is used for most drinks, but the flavour is altered based on the combination of syrups and toppings. If you want a Peppermint Mocha in the middle of July, chances are your barista can make one for you (it may not come in a red cup, but it will taste the same!) Therefore, the excuse "I need to drink a lot of these during the holiday season while they're available" is NOT valid!

2. Skip the whip! I know that the crushed candy cane and gingerbread crumble sit perfectly on that mound of creamy whip, but it adds about an extra 80 calories to the drink! There's no rule that says you have to get whip in order to have the toppings. Alternatively, ask the barista to spray less on top.

3. Type of milk. To cut down on calories and fat, ask for skim or 1% milk rather than whole milk. While soy milk is a great non-dairy alternative, it is not much lower in calories than low fat milk (a common misconception). Coconut milk is high in saturated fat, so should be enjoyed in moderation. Lastly, nut milks are a low calorie and fat alternative, but contain little protein and may not steam or froth as well.

4. Cut down on the syrups. Even a Tall sized drink has 3 pumps of syrup, and that number increases as the cup size does. Because the syrups are such a concentrated source of flavour and sugar, asking for half sweet (aka half the pumps) will likely still be flavourful and sweet enough. You can also ask for sugar-free syrups or add spices at the counter (cinnamon, nutmeg, etc).

5. Cup size. Of course we all have those days where even a Venti coffee doesn’t seem like enough to wake us up. However, as listed above, this size is like eating more than a meal, but with little nutrients and satiating calories. A more appropriate portion size would be a short or tall, and rather add an extra espresso shot for that caffeine boost without the additional calories.

6. Limit a holiday drink to once per week. I get that a daily Starbucks may be part of your morning ritual, which is hard to break. But 1 holiday drink per day, can add up to $30 and 1000 extra calories per week!! Therefore, limiting these special drinks will really save both your financial and caloric budget. Instead, aim for drip coffee, teas, or unsweetened skim milk lattes the rest of the week.

7. Make it yourself! There’s no denying that homemade is always the best option in terms of taste, nutrition, and cost. Here is my recipe for a healthier peppermint mocha:

  • 1 bag chocolate mint tea (President's Choice has a version), steeped
  • ¼ cup skim milk, frothed (using a milk frother or on the stove)
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 tsp crushed candy canes
  • Boil water and steep tea in a mug. While steeping, froth milk. Once frothy, pour on top of tea. Sprinkle cocoa powder and crushed candy canes on top of milk.

Final message: There will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy holiday drinks and festive treats at upcoming parties. Have these treats only during that time, where you can savour the taste and truly enjoy the experience, rather than mindlessly sipping your coffee while working.

Happy Holidays!

openness. nourishment. empowerment.